
Exploring Golobulus: A Unique GI Joe 1987 Movie Character and Figure

Story by Mitchell Smith

Welcome to the Outpost. Today I’m playing around with Golobulus from the 1987 GI Joe movie. He is and interesting character to me but I realize not everyone likes him. As a kid I don’t remember seeing GI Joe The Movie but I know I saw it most likely on the Movie Channel in 1988 or 1989. I did however receive the 3 pack of figures for Christmas that year. Golobulus was always an odd figure because he wasn’t easy to pose or display. He didn’t fit in the vehicles but mine definitely had lots of play time as pictured mine from those days, which I painted his chest black, gave him new arms and of course some pretty good paint wear on his head.

When I got around to finally see the movie as a kid it all made sense after that. I was one of those kids who loved the fantasy aspect of Cobra La. I was able to disconnect from reality and really associate with the fantasy of the movie. I sometimes wonder if this was meant to be a dream Hawk was having warning him of something in the future. Either way I think this was always an interesting character and figure and did a couple customs of him.

I put legs on him but I pictured more of a robotic type set like Darth Maul in the animated series. Who had Golobulus as a kid? Who thinks a classified Golobulus would be awesome? Make sure to check back for our next discussion.


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